What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition of female type breast development in men, which usually develops due to hormonal disorders. It is normal for it to occur in infancy, adolescence and old age, and often heals spontaneously. Additional investigations may be required in gynecomastia occurring outside of these periods. Some drugs used, some types of cancer or systemic diseases may also cause the development of gynecomastia.
In addition to these, the picture that occurs due to excess weight gain is called false gynecomastia. This situation, which has nothing to do with real gynecomastia, is very common nowadays.
What is gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery is an operation to restore the breast to its original shape after the problem that causes breast enlargement is corrected. The type of gynecomastia present is of great importance in the procedure to be performed.
Am I a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery?
All patients presenting with the complaint of gynecomastia should first be evaluated by an Endocrinology specialist in terms of hormonal disorders. If there is a hormonal problem, it is treated. Patients without hormonal disorders are suitable candidates for surgery.
Deciding on surgery
Whether the surgical intervention to be performed is for functional or cosmetic purposes, the choice of your plastic surgeon is very important. The patient should also meticulously follow the warnings of the plastic surgeon before and after the operation.
During the pre-operative examination, the existing skin excess and breast-fat status will be examined and questions regarding your wishes will be asked. Your plastic surgeon will explain to you what his expectation is about the gynecomastia surgery and will question your medical history. Your age, skin texture, racial characteristics and habits (diet, smoking) will be important factors. Moreover, in this first examination, an honest exchange of information will be provided between you and your plastic surgeon for a successful outcome.
After the intervention to be applied to you is planned, your surgeon will inform you about the anesthesia, hospital and the budget of the surgery, and will explain the risks of the surgery.
before surgery
As in all surgeries, in gynecomastia surgeries, you should stop smoking three weeks before the surgery and stop using aspirin and similar drugs and herbal products that have blood thinning effects for the last 1 week.
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Different methods can be applied depending on the problems in the existing breast for gynecomastia surgery. With the liposuction method, it is possible to reduce the breasts rich in fatty tissue to some extent. If the breast contents consist of mammary glands rather than fat, liposuction may be insufficient and in this case, a small incision is made around the nipple and the excess tissue is removed. There is also excess skin in some very large breasts, and in these cases, scar operations may be required.
Although the duration of the operation may vary according to the procedure to be performed, it takes an average of 1-2 hours. After the surgery, there will be a pressure dressing (it can be a bandage or corset) on the breast. If necessary, a drain can be placed in the operating area.
You can return to your home on the day of surgery or the next day, you can return to your work life in three or four days, and you can start sports within a few weeks.