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  • We save you from an annoying belt, reshape the tip of the nose, and relieve nasal congestion, if any. We successfully correct deformities due to previous accidents and impacts.

  • We plan the surgery together on your digital photos and if you wish, you return home the same day after the intervention.

  • Every year, millions of people in the world who want to correct the appearance of their nose apply to plastic surgeons for examination. Some do not like the nose they were born with, some complain about the changes that occur in their noses with aging. The reason for some of them is the problem of blows to the nose or not being able to breathe easily. The nose is the most important characteristic element of the human face. Even some minor fixes can change the look a lot.

  • For a successful aesthetic, the plastic surgeon and the patient need to understand each other very well. Realistic expectations and trust based on the knowledge and experience of the plastic surgeon should be established at the first meeting. Your surgeon should be able to give satisfactory answers to questions about the details you expect from your rhinoplasty.

Am I a Good Candidate for Nose Aesthetics?
As in all aesthetic surgeries, it is essential not to have a health problem and to have realistic expectations. Not only an ideal nose, but a nose that is compatible with other features of the face should be aimed.
Whether the skin is thin, oily or dry, racial characteristics and age should be taken into account in the planning of surgery. The nose must have completed its development, which is between the ages of 15 and 16, and the personality must be mature. In cases that affect breathing, surgery can also be performed at an earlier age. Your plastic surgeon may also recommend additional interventions such as chin augmentation for a better facial appearance.

Deciding on Surgery
Whether it is an aesthetic or functional surgery, the choice of your plastic surgeon is very important. Plastic surgery expertise and experience in aesthetics should be a priority in the selection. Your surgeon should explain to you in detail the post-operative expectations and the risks of the operation. Making plans on the photos can give you an idea about the result. Your palstic surgeon will then inquire about your general health status, inform you about the type of anesthesia to be given, the hospital where the intervention will be performed, and the budget.

Nose aesthetics or rhinoplasty in medical language is to shape the nose. Incisions are made inside the nose to reach the cartilage and bones of the nose. Sometimes a 3 mm incision is made in the area between the nostrils. Later, bones and cartilages can be reduced or added to provide the desired shape. For example, if the tip of the nose is thick, the size of the cartilages here can be reduced, or the angle between the nose and the upper lip can be changed. At the end of the surgery, the soft tissues are covered again on the newly formed nasal roof and the incisions are sutured. A plaster or tin mold is placed to maintain the desired shape until the nose heals. A small-volume tampon is placed in the nose and removed as soon as possible.

The mold placed on the nose is kept for 6-7 days to maintain your new nose shape. You will feel a swelling on your face the day after the surgery. Pain in the nose is very rare, however painkillers are recommended. There will be bruises and swellings, especially around your eyes, for these cold compresses are applied.
It is very important that you carefully follow your plastic surgeon's recommendations. The head should be kept elevated for several days after surgery. Exercises and the risk of blows to your nose should be reduced. If you use heavy glasses, it should be prevented that the glasses weigh on the back of the nose.
Postoperative follow-ups are important in observing recovery after this procedure and are performed twice in the first week. Check-ups are made once a month until the third month, then at the 3rd, 6th and 12th months. Of course, you should report anything that goes wrong to your surgeon immediately.
Your health insurance does not cover aesthetic nose surgery. However, functional reasons such as not breathing or post-impact nasal deformity surgeries can be fully or partially covered by your health insurance.
In competent and skilled hands, patient satisfaction is very high after surgery, but it is always possible to make minor touch-ups if desired. Patients with unfortunate results should not be upset, there is always help for better results in rhinoplasty.

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